Dumbbells tied on private parts, wounds inflicted with a compass, and lotion applied to the wound after shouting, you will be shocked to hear such a horrifying story of ragging

This is the case of a college in Kerala where some senior students, in the name of ragging, first removed the clothes of their juniors and then hung heavy dumbbells on their private parts

Not only this, those senior students also killed and injured those juniors with compasses and sharp objects.

When the victim students started writhing, the senior students forcefully applied lotion on their wounds and mouth so that the pain increased further.

The seniors also made a video of the juniors by stripping them naked, along with this they threatened that if the juniors tried to report it, they would have to face serious consequences

Somehow the three victim students managed to escape and immediately ran to the police. Those victimized students narrated their ordeal in the police station and lodged an FIR

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, the police immediately started taking action, after which the five senior students were arrested by the police.

Let us tell you that all three victims are 1st year students, this is not the first case of dreadful ragging. Recently, the family of a 15 year old boy who died by suicide in Kerala had dangerous ragging and bullying in the school as the reason behind his suicide